Week 8: Nanotech + Art

When you ask someone what they think of when they hear the word nanotechnology, the typical Nano probes from Star Trek response probably has something to do with the science fiction or dystopian movies that have the main characters using some outlandish technology. This was personally the line of thought I initially took, thinking of Star Trek and the way nanotechnology is used by the bad guys to essentially brainwash people. But in reality, use of nanotechnology in this way is improbable. Instead, nanotechnology is being used in ways that help people. For example, the army used nanotechnology to develop “smart shirts” that track the vital signs of the person wearing them. Example of commercial smart shirt This same technology has been commercialized and people can buy their own smart shirts to track things like sleep patterns or vital signs during exercise. Nanotech is also being used in other areas such as medicine and pharmac...